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The New Braunfels Public Library will be hosting a suite of programs dedicated to educating small-business and startup owners about unfettered digital and community resources.
The effort is designed to instruct businesses so that they can manage their resources more efficiently. The series will also show them ways to promote and grow their business.
The program, coined "Libraries Lead with Digital Skills," is an American Libraries Association and Public Libraries Association initiative that has been sponsored by Google. Lori Krinkey, who is head of the adult services, says there is a universe of free resource options out there that target small business growth.
“We are excited to partner with ALA, PLA and Google to bring awareness of the many free tools and resources available to small businesses and startups in our community,” Krinkey said. “Our first virtual program will be an overview of those resources.”
The first program, called “Information: Your Key to Business Success!” is July 29 from 2-3 p.m.